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DRBC Public Hearing Frack Water Import/Export Rules

The Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) has added an additional virtual hearing for February 3rd, 1:30pm during the public comment period in response to our collective efforts to get more comment opportunities for people. This is only for people who have NOT already spoken at their public hearings held in December. The virtual hearing will now be held in Spanish and well as English. You must register in advance by 5pm on February 2 if you want to speak.

UPDATE: The Hearing is full and it says the registration is closed BUT there is a waiting list where you sign up to speak - please click the register button and get on the wait list. Almost always some people who have signed up can't make the meeting so speaking slots open up. Please forge ahead, register through the wait list and you'll probably get to say your 3 minute comment - we need you!

Regsiter for the waitlist:

THANK YOU to all who helped make this additional hearing happen, sign up now and let’s get our friends and neighbors to speak up Feb. 3!

The Delaware River Frack Ban Coalition’s Top Ten Suggested Talking Points are available to help you prepare comments for the hearing.

You can find more information, scientific reports, and references regarding aspects of the draft regulations that you can download to use in your testimony here.

Here is the link to the DRBC website with the hearing details, including their “hearing rules”.

Thank you for making this happen – now let’s trumpet this to the world so more people can speak up! Help spread the using our social media toolkit!

Please share far and wide the new Facebook event we created to get the word out about the Feb. 3 Hearing!

Thursday, February 3, 2022 - 01:30 PM